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李文武 王为

李文武, 王为. 基于比例边界有限元的复合梁自由振动频率计算[J]. 应用数学和力学, 2024, 45(7): 936-948. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.440208
引用本文: 李文武, 王为. 基于比例边界有限元的复合梁自由振动频率计算[J]. 应用数学和力学, 2024, 45(7): 936-948. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.440208
LI Wenwu, WANG Wei. Natural Vibration Frequencies of Laminated Composite Beams Based on the Scaled Boundary Finite Element Method[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2024, 45(7): 936-948. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.440208
Citation: LI Wenwu, WANG Wei. Natural Vibration Frequencies of Laminated Composite Beams Based on the Scaled Boundary Finite Element Method[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2024, 45(7): 936-948. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.440208


doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.440208

国家自然科学基金 51875159


    王为(1973—),男,高级工程师(E-mail: tian3316625@163.com)


    李文武(1980—),男,博士,教授级高级工程师(通讯作者. E-mail: m19818937339@163.com)

  • 中图分类号: TB332

Natural Vibration Frequencies of Laminated Composite Beams Based on the Scaled Boundary Finite Element Method

  • 摘要: 将比例边界有限元方法(SBFEM)拓展用于计算复合梁的自由振动频率. 该方法将梁简化为一维模型,并且仅选用xz方向的弹性线位移作为基本未知量. 从弹性力学基本方程出发,通过比例边界坐标、虚功原理和对偶变量技术推导得到了复合梁的一阶常微分比例边界有限元动力控制方程,其通解为解析的矩阵指数函数. 利用Padé级数求解矩阵指数函数可得各个梁层的动力刚度矩阵,根据自由度匹配原则组装得到复合梁的整体刚度和质量矩阵. 求解特征值方程,最终可得复合梁的自由振动频率. 该方法对复合梁的层数和边界条件均无限制,具有广泛的适用性. 将该文的解与三层、四层和十层复合梁振动频率的数值参考解以及阶梯型悬臂梁固有频率的实验实测值进行对比,验证了比例边界有限元算法的准确性、高效性和快速收敛性.
  • 图  1  四层复合梁示意图

    Figure  1.  The 4 layered composite beam

    图  2  四阶谱单元

    Figure  2.  The 4th order spectral element

    图  3  梁层模型图

    Figure  3.  The model for the beam layer

    图  4  (0°/90°/0°/90°)四层复合梁

    Figure  4.  The 4-layered (0°/90°/0°/90°) beam

    图  5  材料纤维坐标系(1-2-3)与直角坐标系

    Figure  5.  The fiber-matrix coordinate system (1-2-3) and the Cartesian coordinate system

    图  6  梁各阶谱单元

    Figure  6.  The different orders of spectral elements

    图  7  (0°/90°/0°/90°)四层复合梁的振动频率

    Figure  7.  The vibration frequencies of the 4-layered (0°/90°/0°/90°) composite beam

    图  8  三层夹层梁

    Figure  8.  The 3-layered sandwich beam

    图  9  三层简支夹层梁振动频率

    Figure  9.  The eigenfrequencies of the 3-layered SS sandwich beam

    图  10  (0°/90°/0°)三层复合梁

    Figure  10.  The 3-layered (0°/90°/0°) composite beam

    图  11  阶梯型悬臂梁(单位: cm)

    Figure  11.  The step-shaped cantilever beam (unit: mm)

    表  1  梁两端处的约束情况

    Table  1.   The constraint conditions at ends of the beam

    constraint condition x=0 x=l
    SS uz(0, z)=0 uz(l, z)=0
    CS uz(0, z)=ux(0, z)=0 uz(l, z)=0
    CC uz(0, z)=ux(0, z)=0 uz(l, z)=ux(l, z)=0
    CF uz(0, z)=ux(0, z)=0 free
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    表  2  l/t=100时(0°/90°/0°/90°)四层梁的振动频率

    Table  2.   The natural frequencies of the 4-layered (0°/90°/0°/90°) beam with l/t=100

    element order 1st frequency 2nd frequency 3rd frequency 4th frequency 5th frequency 6th frequency
    2nd order 12.309 2 44.215 7 505.889 6 956.705 8 2 118.235 8 2 708.157 8
    3rd order 11.252 5 48.945 4 115.329 1 184.133 7 958.889 6 1 005.616 1
    4th order 11.212 9 44.560 2 101.600 6 211.074 6 328.678 5 431.467 9
    5th order 11.212 9 44.571 8 99.420 0 173.882 4 280.551 6 498.252 5
    6th order 11.212 9 44.561 7 99.217 6 174.345 3 269.073 7 380.223 2
    7th order 11.212 9 44.561 7 99.206 1 173.834 0 267.054 3 377.217 1
    2D[7] 11.193 0 44.477 0 98.988 0 173.390 0 266.010 0 374.910 0
    error δ/% 0.177 8 0.190 5 0.220 4 0.256 1 0.392 6 0.615 4
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    表  3  三层梁(0°/90°/0°)振动频率

    Table  3.   Eigensolutions of the (0°/90°/0°) beam

    l/t SS CF CC
    50 SBFEM 17.480 6.270 37.808
    ref. [6] 17.462 6.267 37.679
    error δ/% 0.107 0.053 0.343
    30 SBFEM 17.103 6.205 34.511
    ref. [6] 17.055 6.198 34.268
    error δ/% 0.281 0.119 0.709
    20 SBFEM 16.432 6.084 29.982
    ref. [6] 16.338 6.070 29.695
    error δ/% 0.5780 0.234 0.967
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    表  4  十层梁的振动频率

    Table  4.   The eigenvalues of the 10-layered beam

    l/t SS CS CC CF
    10 SBFEM 10.862 14.058 17.245 4.184
    ref. [29] 10.893 14.221 17.580 4.197
    error δ/% -0.288 -1.147 -1.905 -0.316
    5 SBFEM 8.118 9.199 10.541 3.497
    ref. [29] 8.156 9.356 10.784 3.527
    error δ/% -0.467 -1.675 -2.250 -0.856
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    表  5  阶梯型悬臂梁的振动频率

    Table  5.   Vibration frequencies of the step-shaped cantilever beam

    SBFEM experiment[30] CEM[30]
    1st frequency 36.224 9 39.06 36.595
    2nd frequency 146.580 7 138.67 148.13
    3rd frequency 428.683 8 417.48 433.75
    4th frequency 788.257 6 776.37 798.28
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