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赵可可 朱云蝶 张吉鼎 江晓禹

赵可可, 朱云蝶, 张吉鼎, 江晓禹. 氢影响下纳米晶体晶界滑移和晶界三叉点裂纹形核模型[J]. 应用数学和力学, 2024, 45(7): 875-885. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.440257
引用本文: 赵可可, 朱云蝶, 张吉鼎, 江晓禹. 氢影响下纳米晶体晶界滑移和晶界三叉点裂纹形核模型[J]. 应用数学和力学, 2024, 45(7): 875-885. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.440257
ZHAO Keke, ZHU Yundie, ZHANG Jiding, JIANG Xiaoyu. Grain Boundary Slip and a Grain Boundary Triple Junction Crack Nucleation Model for Nanocrystals Under the Influence of Hydrogen[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2024, 45(7): 875-885. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.440257
Citation: ZHAO Keke, ZHU Yundie, ZHANG Jiding, JIANG Xiaoyu. Grain Boundary Slip and a Grain Boundary Triple Junction Crack Nucleation Model for Nanocrystals Under the Influence of Hydrogen[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2024, 45(7): 875-885. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.440257


doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.440257

国家自然科学基金 11472230


    赵可可(1996—),男,硕士(E-mail: zkk4255@163.com)


    江晓禹(1965—),男,教授,博士,博士生导师(通讯作者. E-mail: xiaoyujiang8@sina.com)

  • 中图分类号: O346

Grain Boundary Slip and a Grain Boundary Triple Junction Crack Nucleation Model for Nanocrystals Under the Influence of Hydrogen

  • 摘要: 在远场均匀拉伸载荷下,裂纹尖端会产生应力集中,与裂纹尖端相邻的晶界会承受较大的切应力,此切应力会导致晶界滑移. 该文研究了氢和纳米晶界滑移对晶界裂纹形核、临界应力强度因子以及屏蔽效应的影响. 应用连续分布位错方法给出了模型的理论解. 结果表明:由于位错在晶界三叉点和滑移带尖端处的塞积,楔形裂纹会优先沿着晶界三叉点DC方向和晶界BD向上萌生,而且氢会使得裂纹萌生的总能量降低,氢浓度每增加1%,萌生最稳定裂纹的总能量大约降低1.86%. 虽然晶界滑移会使得裂纹尖端的临界应力强度因子和屏蔽效应增大, 但是氢使得临界应力强度因子降低. 最后根据弱键理论,研究了氢对表面能的影响,氢浓度每增加1%,表面能降低5%. 这一理论工作提供了氢和晶界滑移对材料微观断裂力学的新信息,有助于解释金属断裂的微观机理.
  • 图  1  主裂纹尖端位错发射与晶界滑移导致纳米裂纹萌生的过程示意图


    Figure  1.  Schematic diagram of the initiation process of a nanocrack caused by dislocation emission and grain boundary slip at the main crack tip

    图  2  位错数目随角度β和外加应力的变化

    Figure  2.  The numbers of dislocations varying with angle β and the applied stress

    图  3  裂纹尖端屏蔽效应和位错发射数目随外加载荷的变化关系

    Figure  3.  Relationships between the emission numbers of crack tip dislocations and shielding effects with applied loads

    图  4  沿不同晶界的裂纹萌生总能量和氢对裂纹萌生总能量的影响

    Figure  4.  The total energy of crack initiation along different grain boundaries and the effects of hydrogen on the total energy of crack initiation

    图  5  不同位置处裂纹萌生的总能量和氢对裂纹萌生总能量的影响

    Figure  5.  The total energy of crack initiation at different locations and the effects of hydrogen on the total energy of crack initiation

    图  6  临界应力强度因子随外加载荷的变化

    Figure  6.  Changes of the critical stress intensity factor with the applied load

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  • 收稿日期:  2023-08-22
  • 修回日期:  2024-02-01
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