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杨国俊 田里 唐光武 毛建博 杜永峰

杨国俊, 田里, 唐光武, 毛建博, 杜永峰. D-S理论和Markov链组合的桥梁性能退化预测研究[J]. 应用数学和力学, 2024, 45(4): 416-428. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.440343
引用本文: 杨国俊, 田里, 唐光武, 毛建博, 杜永峰. D-S理论和Markov链组合的桥梁性能退化预测研究[J]. 应用数学和力学, 2024, 45(4): 416-428. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.440343
YANG Guojun, TIAN Li, TANG Guangwu, MAO Jianbo, DU Yongfeng. Research on Bridge Performance Degradation Prediction Based on Combination of the D-S Theory and the Markov Chain[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2024, 45(4): 416-428. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.440343
Citation: YANG Guojun, TIAN Li, TANG Guangwu, MAO Jianbo, DU Yongfeng. Research on Bridge Performance Degradation Prediction Based on Combination of the D-S Theory and the Markov Chain[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2024, 45(4): 416-428. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.440343


doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.440343

国家自然科学基金 52168042

甘肃省科技计划 22JR5RA250

甘肃省优秀研究生“创新之星”项目 2023CXZX-460


    杨国俊(1988—),男,副教授,博士(通讯作者. E-mail: yanggj403@163.com)

  • 中图分类号: U448.33;O29

Research on Bridge Performance Degradation Prediction Based on Combination of the D-S Theory and the Markov Chain

(Contributed by TANG Guangwu, M. AMM Editorial Board)
  • 摘要: 为准确预测桥梁性能退化,考虑到数据随机性和微小扰动发生状态跳跃,提出了一种D-S(Dempster-Shafer)证据理论和Markov链组合的桥梁性能退化组合预测模型和性能退化率的概念.该模型基于指数平滑(exponential smoothing, ES)方法获得新的预测数据序列,并利用Markov链和D-S理论不断进行优化,从而实现桥梁性能退化的组合预测.实际工程的应用结果表明:性能退化率可以直观地表征在梁性能退化的速度.其次,该模型的平均相对误差为1.54%,较于回归、灰色和模糊加权Markov链模型,精度分别提高了1.11%,0.88%和2.8%,而后验差比值为0.242,小于0.35;模型的标准差为9.021,相比其他模型分别减小了3.978,3.405和7.500,而变异系数为0.109,均小于其他模型,验证了组合预测模型在精度和稳定性方面的优越性,可为在役桥梁结构性能退化预测与维护提供理论基础.
    1)  (我刊编委唐光武来稿)
  • 图  1  D-S理论和Markov链组合的桥梁性能退化预测流程

    Figure  1.  The combination prediction process of bridge performance degradation based on the D-S theory and the Markov chain

    图  2  不同平滑系数下绝对误差平方和对比

    Figure  2.  The absolute error square sum comparison under different smoothing coefficients

    图  3  损失函数值曲线

    Figure  3.  The loss function value curve

    图  4  状态集合

    Figure  4.  The state collection

    图  5  桥梁服役16~20年不同模型的相对误差


    Figure  5.  Relative errors of different models for bridges in service for 16~20 years

    图  6  桥梁服役16~20年不同模型的桥梁技术状况


    Figure  6.  Bridge technical conditions from different models in service for 16~20 years

    图  7  不同模型的平均相对误差比较

    Figure  7.  The average relative error comparison between different models

    图  8  不同模型的后验差比值C对比

    Figure  8.  Comparison of posterior error ratio C values of different models

    图  9  桥梁服役35年预测曲线平滑比较

    Figure  9.  The smooth comparison of prediction curves of bridges in service for 35 years

    图  10  不同模型稳定性对比

    Figure  10.  The comparison of stability of different models

    图  11  桥梁性能退化预测及退化率

    Figure  11.  The bridge performance degradation prediction and degradation rates

    图  12  桥梁性能退化预测曲线

    Figure  12.  The bridge performance degradation prediction curve

    图  13  使用年限内性能退化及维护

    Figure  13.  Performance degradation and maintenance of bridges during service lives

    表  1  预测模型精度等级

    Table  1.   Prediction model accuracy levels

    accuracy class average relative error Δ posterior difference ratio C
    class 1 0.01 C≤0.35
    class 2 0.05 0.35 < C≤0.50
    class 3 0.10 0.50 < C≤0.60
    class 4 0.20 C>0.65
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    表  2  基于ES法预测桥梁技术状况

    Table  2.   Prediction of bridge technical conditions based on the ES method

    age m/a scores Sm(1) Sm(2) Sm(3) am bm cm prediction relative error R/%
    1 100 100 100 100 100 0 0 100 0
    2 98.1 99.088 0 99.562 2 99.789 9 98.367 2 -0.998 1 -0.105 1 100.00 1.94
    3 96.5 97.845 8 98.738 3 99.285 1 96.607 4 -1.609 6 -0.147 3 97.264 0.79
    4 95.8 96.863 8 97.838 6 98.590 8 95.666 5 -1.405 4 -0.094 8 94.851 -0.99
    5 95.2 96.065 2 96.987 3 97.821 1 95.054 6 -1.052 0 -0.037 6 94.166 -1.09
    6 94.3 95.217 9 96.138 0 97.013 2 94.252 9 -0.951 3 -0.019 1 93.965 -0.36
    7 93.4 94.345 3 95.277 5 96.180 1 93.383 5 -0.927 8 -0.012 6 93.282 -0.13
    8 92.1 93.267 6 94.312 7 95.283 8 92.148 2 -1.133 3 -0.031 6 92.443 0.37
    9 90.4 91.891 1 93.150 4 94.259 7 90.482 0 -1.502 9 -0.063 8 90.983 0.65
    10 89.3 90.647 4 91.948 9 93.150 5 89.245 9 -1.428 5 -0.042 6 88.915 -0.43
    11 88.1 89.424 6 90.737 3 91.992 2 88.054 3 -2.013 7 -0.024 6 87.775 -0.37
    12 87.8 88.644 8 89.732 9 90.907 7 87.643 5 -0.807 3 0.037 0 86.016 -2.03
    13 86.6 87.663 3 88.739 5 89.867 0 86.638 4 -0.876 9 0.021 9 86.873 0.32
    14 85.4 86.576 9 87.701 5 88.827 5 85.453 9 -1.034 6 0.000 7 85.783 0.45
    15 84.6 85.628 0 86.706 2 87.809 3 84.574 7 -0.938 7 0.010 6 84.420 -0.21
    16 82.8 - - - - - - 83.647 1.02
    17 81.1 - - - - - - 82.740 2.02
    18 80.2 - - - - - - 81.854 2.06
    19 79.1 - - - - - - 80.990 2.39
    20 78.0 - - - - - - 80.146 2.75
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    表  3  基本概率数

    Table  3.   Basic probabilities

    serial number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
    relative error R/% 0 1.94 0.79 -0.99 -1.09 -0.36 -0.13 0.37
    f(a) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    f(ab) 0 0 0 0 0.18 0 0 0
    f(b) 1 0 0 1 0.82 1 1 0.26
    f(bc) 0 0 0.42 0 0 0 0 0.74
    f(c) 0 1 0.58 0 0 0 0 0
    serial number 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
    relative error R/% 0.65 -0.43 -0.37 -2.03 0.32 0.45 -0.21
    f(a) 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
    f(ab) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    f(b) 0 1 1 0 0.36 0.1 1
    f(bc) 0.7 0 0 0 0.64 0.9 0
    f(c) 0.3 0 0 0 0 0 0
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