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王程颜 刘官厅

王程颜, 刘官厅. 一维六方压电准晶中唇形孔口次生四条裂纹的反平面问题[J]. 应用数学和力学, 2024, 45(7): 886-897. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.440346
引用本文: 王程颜, 刘官厅. 一维六方压电准晶中唇形孔口次生四条裂纹的反平面问题[J]. 应用数学和力学, 2024, 45(7): 886-897. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.440346
WANG Chengyan, LIU Guanting. The Antiplane Problem of a Lip-Shaped Orifice With 4 Edge Cracks in 1D Hexagonal Piezoelectric Quasicrystal[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2024, 45(7): 886-897. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.440346
Citation: WANG Chengyan, LIU Guanting. The Antiplane Problem of a Lip-Shaped Orifice With 4 Edge Cracks in 1D Hexagonal Piezoelectric Quasicrystal[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2024, 45(7): 886-897. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.440346


doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.440346

国家自然科学基金 12162027

内蒙古自治区高等学校科学技术研究自然科学重点项目 NJZZ22574


    王程颜(1999—),男,硕士生(E-mail: 2641734345@qq.com)


    刘官厅(1966—),男,教授,博士(通讯作者. E-mail: guantingliu@imnu.edu.cn)

  • 中图分类号: O346.1

The Antiplane Problem of a Lip-Shaped Orifice With 4 Edge Cracks in 1D Hexagonal Piezoelectric Quasicrystal

  • 摘要: 通过构造共形映射,利用Stroh型公式,研究了一维六方压电准晶体中唇形孔口次生四条裂纹的反平面问题,并对裂纹尖端处的应力强度因子及能量释放率进行了解析求解. 在数值算例中,分析了缺陷的几何参数和外部载荷对应力强度因子及能量释放率的影响规律. 结果表明:唇形孔口左右任意一侧裂纹长度或孔口长度的增长,对左右两侧裂纹的扩展有促进作用;上下两侧裂纹长度的增长,对左右两侧裂纹的扩展无明显的影响;唇形孔口的高度越高,对左右两侧裂纹扩展的抑制作用越显著;外部机械载荷和电载荷增大,对裂纹的扩展有促进作用. 一些特殊缺陷可由该缺陷的相关参数退化得来,如唇形孔口次生两条裂纹、唇型裂纹、Griffith裂纹等.
  • 图  1  一维六方压电准晶中唇形孔口次生四条裂纹的缺陷模型

    Figure  1.  A defect model for a lip-shaped orifice with 4 edge cracks in the 1D hexagonal piezoelectric quasicrystal material

    图  2  Ka的变化曲线

    Figure  2.  The curves of K with ratio a

    图  3  KL1/a的变化曲线

    Figure  3.  The curves of K with ratio L1/a

    图  4  Kh/a的变化曲线

    Figure  4.  The curves of K with ratio h/a

    图  5  Kh/a的变化曲线(L1=L2=L3=0 m)

    Figure  5.  The curves of K with ratio h/a(L1=L2=L3=0 m)

    图  6  L3K的影响曲线

    Figure  6.  The influence curves of L3 on K

    图  7  不同L1/a条件下,G/Gcra的变化关系

    Figure  7.  The change curves of G/Gcr with a under different L1/a conditions

    图  8  在不同D2条件下,G/Gcrσ32的变化曲线

    Figure  8.  The curves of G/Gcr with respect to σ32 for different D2 values

    图  9  D2=0 C/m2G/Gcrσ32的变化关系

    Figure  9.  For D2=0 C/m2, the curves of G/Gcr with σ32

    图  10  不同L2条件下,G/GcrH32的变化曲线

    Figure  10.  The change curves of G/Gcr with H32 under different L2 conditions

    图  11  不同L2条件下,G/GcrR3的变化关系

    Figure  11.  The change curves of G/Gcrwith R3 under different L2 conditions

    图  12  G/GcrK2的变化曲线

    Figure  12.  The change curves of G/Gcr with K2

    图  13  G/GcrL1/a的变化曲线

    Figure  13.  The change curves of G/Gcr with L1/a

    图  14  G/Gcrh/a的变化曲线

    Figure  14.  The change curves of G/Gcr with h/a

    图  15  L3G/Gcr的影响规律

    Figure  15.  The change curves of G/Gcr with L3

    A1  唇形孔口次生四条裂纹的外部区域到ζ平面单位圆的内部的共形映射

    A1.  Conformal transformation from the exterior of the lip-shaped orifice with 4 cracks to the exterior region of the unit circle

    表  1  一维六方压电准晶材料参数[11]

    Table  1.   Material parameters of the 1D hexagonal piezoelectric quasicrystal[11]

    C44/GPa R3/GPa K2/GPa e15/(C·m-2) d15/(C·m-2) λ11/(C2·N-1·m-2)
    50 1.2 0.3 -0.138 -0.160 8.26×10-11
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