Structure Optimization of Holding Poles Based on the Improved Sine Cosine Algorithm
摘要: 抱杆是组立输电铁塔的特种起重设备. 以最小质量为优化目标,杆件的截面尺寸、辅材连接方式以及摇臂节点坐标为优化变量,许用应力、位移和屈曲系数为约束条件,建立抱杆优化设计模型. 提出一种改进的正余弦算法(improved sine cosine algorithm,ISCA),开展抱杆尺寸、形状和拓扑优化. 引入Lévy飞行增强算法全局搜索能力,采用精英引导策略增强算法局部搜索能力,使用贪婪选择策略更新最优解. 算例表明ISCA能够有效求解空间桁架结构的优化设计问题.Abstract: The holding pole is a special lifting device for the construction of transmission towers. The optimization design model for the holding pole was established. The minimum mass was set as the optimization objective. The cross-section sizes of members, the connection modes of auxiliary members and the coordinates of the rocker joint were set as the optimization variables. The allowable stress, displacement and buckling coefficient were taken as the constraining conditions. An improved sine cosine algorithm (ISCA) was proposed to carry out the size, shape and topology optimization designs of the holding pole. For the ISCA, the Lévy flight was introduced to enhance the global search ability, elite guidance strategy was applied to enhance the local search ability, and the greedy selection strategy was used to update the optimal solution. The example shows that, the ISCA can effectively solve the optimization design problems of spatial truss structures.
Key words:
- sine cosine algorithm /
- holding pole /
- truss structure /
- structure optimization /
- finite element analysis
edited-byedited-by1) (我刊编委周焕林来稿) -
表 1 抱杆各段角钢型号
Table 1. The angle steel model for each part of the holding pole
main part auxiliary part ordinary ∟80×6 ∟63×5 reinforcement ∟90×8 ∟63×5 mast ∟90×8 ∟60×6 rocker ∟65×6 ∟50×6 mass 13.64 t 表 2 载荷工况
Table 2. Load cases
load case lifted weight wind direction rocker orientation max unbalance loading case 1 4 t, 3 t 0° 45° case 2 4 t, 3 t 45° 45° case 3 4 t, 3 t 90° 45° high wind case 4 - 0° 45° case 5 - 45° 45° case 6 - 90° 45° 表 3 各工况分析结果
Table 3. Analysis results of each working condition
load case max Mises stress σm/MPa top displacement ut/mm buckling coefficient main part auxiliary part working case 1 166.53 76.47 259.82 4.01 case 2 169.19 84.48 268.47 3.93 case 3 168.41 75.15 248.93 4.00 high wind case 4 173.19 58.42 243.36 3.80 case 5 181.43 47.94 252.56 3.62 case 6 180.58 44.54 244.19 3.57 表 4 优化结果
Table 4. Optimization results
algorithm A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 y1 y5 T1 T2 T3 T4 mass W/t ISCA ∟70×6 ∟45×3 ∟80×7 ∟45×3 ∟75×7 ∟45×3 ∟45×5 ∟45×4 80 -150 5 3 4 2 10.44 SCA ∟70×6 ∟45×3 ∟90×8 ∟45×4 ∟75×8 ∟50×6 ∟50×6 ∟50×5 90 -50 2 1 3 1 11.18 -
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