Application of the Rate-Dependent Ladeveze Model in Failure Analysis of Composites
摘要: 为研究单向纤维增强复合材料在单轴载荷作用下的承载特性与失效模式差异,对复合材料单向板承载时的塑性累积与损伤演化等力学响应进行了有限元预测. 首先,引入基于2D连续介质损伤理论的Ladeveze本构模型,并将其看作平面应力问题. 考虑材料塑性行为的影响,并假定塑性强化为各向同性强化,利用FORTRAN编程语言对LS-DYNA进行二次开发,编写了基于Ladeveze损伤本构模型的用户材料子程序. 利用LS-DYNA建立复合材料单向板的有限元仿真模型,研究了其在承受纵向拉伸、纵向压缩、横向拉伸,面内剪切等载荷下的典型失效行为,并与试验结果进行了对比,然后对所编写子程序的有效性进行了验证. 最后,引入对数型率相关修正函数,对复合材料承受不同应变率载荷下的破坏行为进行了预测,研究了单向纤维增强复合材料率效应敏感度与承载组分之间的关系.
- Ladeveze本构模型 /
- 损伤演化 /
- 率效应 /
- 塑性
Abstract: To investigate the load-bearing capacity and failure modes of unidirectional fiber-reinforced laminates subjected to uniaxial loads, finite element analyses were conducted to predict mechanical responses such as plastic accumulation and damage evolution. The Ladeveze constitutive model based on the 2D continuum damage theory was introduced and a user material subroutine was developed based on this model to consider the plastic behavior of the composites, where the isotropic plastic strengthening was assumed. Subsequently, a LS-DYNA finite element simulation model for unidirectional laminate plates was established to explore typical failure behaviors under loading conditions of longitudinal tension, longitudinal compression, transverse tension, and in-plane shear, respectively. A comparative analysis with experimental results was carried out to validate the efficacy of the developed subroutine. Finally, a logarithmic rate-dependent correction function was introduced to predict the damage modes of composite materials under various strain rate loads. The sensitivity of the rate effect in unidirectional fiber-reinforced laminates and its correlation with load-bearing components were investigated.-
Key words:
- Ladeveze constitutive model /
- damage evolution /
- rate effect /
- plasticity
other(Recommended by LIANG Xudong, M.AMM Youth Editorial Board)
1) (我刊青年编委梁旭东推荐) -
parameter value longitudinal tensile elastic modulus E1t/MPa 139 000 transverse elastic modulus E2/MPa 10 900 shear elastic modulus G12/MPa 6 000 longitudinal compressive elastic modulus E1c/MPa 139 000 Poisson’s ratio ν12 0.32 reduction coefficient of longitudinal compressive elastic modulus γ 1×10-5 initial value of debonding damage between fiber and matrix Y0/MPa 0.048 debonding damage limit between fiber and matrix YR/MPa 3.10 debonding damage evolution parameter between fiber and matrix Yc/MPa 1.745 initial value of transverse microcrack damage Y′0/MPa 0.07 damage limit value of transverse microcrack Y′S/MPa 2.75 damage evolution parameter of transverse microcrack Y′c/MPa 0.565 coupling strength of transverse tensile and shear b 0.53 initial strain of tensile damage in the fiber direction εift 0.014 8 tensile damage limit strain in the fiber direction εuft 0.014 9 tensile limit damage value in the fiber direction duft 0.99 initial strain of compression damage in the fiber direction εifc 0.008 compressive damage limit strain in the fiber direction εufc 0.008 5 compressive ultimate damage value in the fiber direction dufc 0.99 initial yield stress R0/MPa 21.59 hardening coefficient β 558 cementation index m 0.54 shear and transverse plastic strain coupling factor a 0.38 表 2 复合材料Ladeveze本构率相关部分参数[23]
Table 2. Parameters related to Ladeveze constitutive rates of composite materials[23]
parameter notation value longitudinal elastic modulus rate related parameters $ \dot{\varepsilon}_{11}^{\text {ref }} / \mathrm{s}^{-1}$ 3×10-4 D11 0.025 6 n11 -0.322 5 longitudinal failure strain rate related parameters $ \dot{\varepsilon}_{11}^{\text {ref }} / \mathrm{s}^{-1}$ 3×10-4 Du11 -0.018 nu11 0.338 5 transverse elastic modulus rate related parameters $ \dot{\varepsilon}_{22}^{\text {ref }} / \mathrm{s}^{-1}$ 3×10-4 D22 0.072 7 n22 -0.922 89 shear modulus rate related parameters $ \dot{\varepsilon}_{12}^{\text {ref }} / \mathrm{s}^{-1}$ 3×10-4 D12 0.032 9 n12 -0.420 8 yield stress rate related parameters $ \dot{\varepsilon}_{0}^{\text {ref }} / \mathrm{s}^{-1}$ 3×10-4 DR0 0.861 5 nR0 -1.872 1 -
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