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许流逸 李世民 王诗平 刘云龙 张阿漫

许流逸, 李世民, 王诗平, 刘云龙, 张阿漫. 基于EFEM和气泡统一方程的双气泡耦合效应研究[J]. 应用数学和力学, 2024, 45(7): 835-849. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.450018
引用本文: 许流逸, 李世民, 王诗平, 刘云龙, 张阿漫. 基于EFEM和气泡统一方程的双气泡耦合效应研究[J]. 应用数学和力学, 2024, 45(7): 835-849. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.450018
XU Liuyi, LI Shimin, WANG Shiping, LIU Yunlong, ZHANG Aman. Investigation of Coupling Effects of Double Bubbles Based on the EFEM and the Unified Bubble Equation[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2024, 45(7): 835-849. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.450018
Citation: XU Liuyi, LI Shimin, WANG Shiping, LIU Yunlong, ZHANG Aman. Investigation of Coupling Effects of Double Bubbles Based on the EFEM and the Unified Bubble Equation[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2024, 45(7): 835-849. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.450018


doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.450018

国家自然科学基金 51925904

国家自然科学基金 52088102

中国博士后科学基金 2024T171136

黑龙江省博士后资助项目 LBH-Z23115

国家资助博士后研究人员计划 GZB20230942


    许流逸(1998—),男,博士(E-mail: liuyi980211@126.com)


    李世民(1996—),男,讲师,博士(通讯作者. E-mail: lishimien@126.com)

  • 中图分类号: O351.2

Investigation of Coupling Effects of Double Bubbles Based on the EFEM and the Unified Bubble Equation

(Contributed by LIU Yunlong, M.AMM Youth Editorial Board & ZHANG Aman, M.AMM Editorial Board)
  • 摘要: 基于Euler有限元方法(EFEM), 建立了双气泡水下脉动轴对称数值模型,通过与气泡统一方程和实验结果的对比,该模型的准确性和网格的收敛性得到了充分验证. 计算结果表明,相比其他气泡理论,气泡统一方程对气泡动力学行为和流场中压力载荷的预测更为准确. 结合EFEM和气泡统一方程,研究了浮力参数δ和强度参数ε对双气泡耦合规律的影响. 当δ≤0.15时,上气泡在下气泡的作用下会产生垂直向下的射流,此时下气泡边界与固壁边界相似;而当δ增大至0.2时,下气泡对上气泡的影响减弱,浮力效应占据主导地位,上气泡的射流方向垂直向上. ε对气泡间的耦合作用未造成明显影响,但当ε≥150时,其对气泡射流速度的作用会明显减弱.
    1)  (我刊青年编委刘云龙、编委张阿漫来稿)
  • 图  1  自由场中的双气泡脉动示意图

    Figure  1.  Diagram of double bubble pulsation in a free field

    图  2  实验结果[47]与数值结果的对比


    Figure  2.  Comparison of experimental results[47] with numerical results

    图  3  气泡1半径和迁移时历曲线数值与理论计算[19]对比

    Figure  3.  Comparison of numerical and theoretical results[19] of bubble 1 radius and migration time curves

    图  4  气泡2半径和迁移时历曲线数值与理论计算[19]对比

    Figure  4.  Comparison of numerical and theoretical results[19] of bubble 2 radius and migration time curves

    图  5  δ=0.05时的自由场同相双气泡脉动过程

    Figure  5.  The in-phase double bubble pulsation process in the free field for δ=0.05

    图  6  δ=0.20时的自由场同相双气泡脉动过程

    Figure  6.  The in-phase double bubble pulsation process in the free field for δ=0.20

    图  7  不同理论计算[18-19]及不同浮力参数下的流场压力时历曲线

    Figure  7.  Histories of flow-field pressure under different theoretical calculations[18-19] and different buoyancy parameters

    图  8  不同理论计算及不同浮力参数下的气泡半径时历曲线

    Figure  8.  Histories of bubble radii under different theoretical calculations and different buoyancy parameters

    图  9  不同理论计算及不同浮力参数下的气泡迁移时历曲线

    Figure  9.  Histories of bubble migration under different theoretical calculations and different buoyancy parameters

    图  10  δ=0.05, 0.10, 0.15和0.20时的双气泡射流速度时程

    Figure  10.  Double bubble jet velocity histories for δ=0.05, 0.10, 0.15 and 0.20

    图  11  ε=200时的自由场同相双气泡脉动过程

    Figure  11.  The in-phase double bubble pulsation process in the free field for ε=200

    图  12  不同强度参数下的流场压力时历曲线

    Figure  12.  Histories of bubble radii under different strength parameters

    图  13  不同强度参数下的气泡半径时历曲线

    Figure  13.  Histories of bubble radii under different strength parameters

    图  14  不同强度参数下的气泡迁移时历曲线

    Figure  14.  Histories of bubble migration under different strength parameters

    图  15  ε=50, 100, 150和200时气泡射流速度时程

    Figure  15.  Double bubble jet velocity histories for ε=50, 100, 150 and 200

    表  1  基本物理量的无量纲化

    Table  1.   Non-dimensionalization of fundamental physical quantities

    time velocity mass acceleration internal energy
    $ R_{\mathrm{m}} \sqrt{\frac{\rho_{\mathrm{w}}}{P_{\infty}}}$ $ \sqrt{\frac{P_{\infty}}{\rho_{\mathrm{w}}}}$ $ \rho_{\mathrm{w}} R_{\mathrm{m}}^3$ $ \frac{P_{\infty}}{R_{\mathrm{m}} \rho_{\mathrm{w}}}$ $ P_{\infty} R_{\mathrm{m}}^3$
    下载: 导出CSV

    表  2  气泡1水平方向最大长度及其出现时刻实验[47]与数值结果对比

    Table  2.   Comparison of the maximum length of bubble 1 in the horizontal direction and its appearance time between experimental results[47] and numerical results

    bubble 1 experimental result[47] numerical result error
    maximum length in the horizontal direction 13.8 mm 14.8 mm 7.2%
    appearance time of the maximum length 1.473 ms 1.533 ms 4.1%
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    表  3  气泡最大半径及迁移误差对比

    Table  3.   Comparison of relative errors of maximum bubble radii and migrations

    parameter error
    Le=0.01Rm Le=0.02Rm Le=0.04Rm
    maximum radius of bubble1 1.59% 2.01% 2.27%
    maximum migration of bubble 1 1.81% 7.84% 19.25%
    maximum radius of bubble 2 1.97% 2.23% 2.49%
    maximum migration of bubble 2 8.84% 4.96% 18.35%
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    表  4  不同计算情况下气泡1的脉动周期和最小半径对比

    Table  4.   Comparison of pulsation periods and minimum radii of bubble 1 under different calculations

    case pulsation period of bubble 1 minimum radius of bubble 1
    unified bubble equation[19], δ=0.05 2.240 0.219
    Keller equation[18], δ=0.05 2.243 0.206
    EFEM, δ=0.05 2.219 0.246
    EFEM, δ=0.10 2.201 0.223
    EFEM, δ=0.15 2.155 0.192
    EFEM, δ=0.20 2.106 0.168
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    表  5  不同计算情况下气泡2的脉动周期, 最小和最大半径对比

    Table  5.   Comparison of pulsation periods, minimum and maximum radii of bubble 2 under different calculations

    case pulsation period of bubble 2 minimum radius of bubble 2 maximum radius of bubble 2
    unified bubble equation[19], δ=0.05 2.225 0.231 0.999
    Keller equation[18], δ=0.05 2.228 0.216 0.999
    EFEM, δ=0.05 2.212 0.255 0.993
    EFEM, δ=0.10 2.162 0.270 0.979
    EFEM, δ=0.15 2.069 0.282 0.953
    EFEM, δ=0.20 1.954 0.289 0.922
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    表  6  不同强度参数下的压力峰值对比

    Table  6.   Comparison of pressure peaks under different strength parameters

    strength parameter shockwave pressure pressure peak value of bubble pulsation
    the 1st peak value the 2nd peak value
    ε=50 3.668 5.560 3.182
    ε=100 5.282 7.663 3.889
    ε=150 6.601 9.040 4.327
    ε=200 7.764 10.090 4.690
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    表  7  不同强度参数下气泡1和气泡2的脉动周期和最小半径对比

    Table  7.   Comparison of pulsation periods and maximum radii of bubbles 1 and 2 under different strength parameters

    strength parameter bubble 1 bubble 2
    pulsation period minimum bubble radius pulsation period minimum bubble radius
    ε=50 2.242 0.262 2.205 0.307
    ε=100 2.201 0.223 2.163 0.270
    ε=150 2.177 0.204 2.138 0.251
    ε=200 2.169 0.193 2.131 0.240
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  • 收稿日期:  2024-01-25
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