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杨帅 袁驷

杨帅, 袁驷. 一维有限元的EEP单元及其自适应分析[J]. 应用数学和力学, 2025, 46(1): 1-11. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.450036
引用本文: 杨帅, 袁驷. 一维有限元的EEP单元及其自适应分析[J]. 应用数学和力学, 2025, 46(1): 1-11. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.450036
YANG Shuai, YUAN Si. EEP Elements for the 1 D Finite Element Method and the Adaptivity Analysis[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2025, 46(1): 1-11. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.450036
Citation: YANG Shuai, YUAN Si. EEP Elements for the 1 D Finite Element Method and the Adaptivity Analysis[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2025, 46(1): 1-11. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.450036


doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.450036

国家自然科学基金 51878383

国家自然科学基金 51378293




    杨帅(1997—),男,博士生(通讯作者. E-mail: s-yang20@mails.tsinghua.edu.cn)

  • 中图分类号: O342

EEP Elements for the 1 D Finite Element Method and the Adaptivity Analysis

  • 摘要:m(>1)次单元,基于单元能量投影(element energy projection,简称EEP)法提出的简约格式位移解u*具有比常规有限元解uh至少高一阶的精度,据此提出了EEP单元概念,并给出以EEP单元作为最终解的自适应有限元求解策略. 通过编制相应的计算程序分析了一维非自伴随问题,计算结果与理论预期吻合较好,验证了自适应求解策略的有效性和可靠性. 研究结果表明:该法可以给出按最大模度量、逐点满足误差限的解答,相较于常规单元,最终的求解单元数更少.
  • 图  1  误差分布


    Figure  1.  The error distribution

    图  2  问题的解析解

    Figure  2.  The analytical solution to the problem

    图  3  单元分布示意图

    Figure  3.  The element distribution diagram

    图  4  三次单元自适应误差图

    Figure  4.  Error distributions of cubic elements

    图  5  3.1.2小节问题的解析解

    Figure  5.  Analytical solutions to the problem of section 3.1.2

    图  6  案例1的单元分布示意图

    Figure  6.  Element distributions of case 1

    图  7  案例1的三次单元自适应误差图

    Figure  7.  Error distributions of cubic elements of case 1

    图  8  案例2的三次EEP单元分布

    Figure  8.  The cubic EEP element distribution of case 2

    图  9  案例2的三次EEP单元误差图

    Figure  9.  The error distribution of cubic EEP elements of case 2

    图  10  3.1.3小节问题的解析解

    Figure  10.  The analytical solution to the problem of section 3.1.3

    图  11  3.1.3小节单元分布示意图

    Figure  11.  The element distribution diagram of section 3.1.3

    图  12  3.1.3小节三次单元自适应误差图

    Figure  12.  Error distributions of cubic elements of section 3.1.3

    图  13  自适应收敛率

    Figure  13.  Adaptive convergence rates

    表  1  常规单元自适应求解策略结果(Tl=1×10-8)

    Table  1.   Results of the conventional element adaptive strategy (Tl=1×10-8)

    m Ne Ndof Nadp hmax hmin emaxh
    3 26 79 6 0.125 0 0.015 6 0.804 0
    4 11 45 5 0.250 0 0.031 3 0.862 9
    5 7 36 4 0.250 0 0.062 5 0.562 6
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    表  2  EEP单元自适应求解策略结果(Tl=1×10-8)

    Table  2.   Results of the EEP element adaptive strategy (Tl=1×10-8)

    m Ne Ndof Nadp hmax hmin emaxh
    3 15 46 5 0.125 0 0.031 3 0.796 7
    4 9 37 4 0.250 0 0.062 5 0.458 0
    5 6 31 3 0.250 0 0.125 0 0.228 7
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    表  3  常规单元和EEP单元结果对比(Tl=1×10-10)

    Table  3.   Comparison of results between conventional elements and EEP elements(Tl=1×10-10)

    element type convergence order Ne Ndof Nadp emaxh(emax*)
    quartic conventional element[11] h5 30 121 6 0.870 0
    cubic EEP element h5 36 109 6 0.932 0
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    表  4  常规单元自适应求解策略结果(案例1)

    Table  4.   Results of the conventional element adaptive strategy (case 1)

    m Ne Ndof Nadp hmax hmin emaxh
    3 48 145 7 0.061 3 0.009 4 0.829 6
    4 19 77 6 0.148 5 0.020 4 0.810 9
    5 9 46 5 0.240 0 0.040 5 0.733 2
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    表  5  EEP单元自适应求解策略结果(案例1)

    Table  5.   Results of the EEP element adaptive strategy (case 1)

    m Ne Ndof Nadp hmax hmin emaxh
    3 27 82 7 0.091 0 0.018 8 0.971 3
    4 15 61 5 0.113 8 0.047 5 0.430 5
    5 9 46 4 0.250 0 0.067 5 0.232 0
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    表  6  常规单元和EEP单元结果对比(Tl=1×10-9)

    Table  6.   Comparison of results between conventional elements and EEP elements(Tl=1×10-9)

    element type convergence order Ne Ndof Nadp emaxh(emax*)
    quartic conventional element[11] h5 45 181 7 0.838 8
    cubic EEP element h5 66 199 8 0.891 9
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    表  7  常规单元自适应求解策略结果(案例2)

    Table  7.   Results of the conventional element adaptive strategy (case 2)

    m Ne Ndof Nadp hmax hmin emaxh
    3 125 376 11 0.030 9 5.9×10-4 1.037 8
    4 50 201 10 0.061 9 1.3×10-3 0.845 2
    5 31 156 9 0.091 1 2.6×10-3 0.758 3
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    表  8  EEP单元自适应求解策略结果(案例2)

    Table  8.   Results of the EEP element adaptive strategy (case 2)

    m Ne Ndof Nadp hmax hmin emaxh
    3 81 244 11 0.036 4 1.4×10-3 1.019 3
    4 42 169 10 0.064 4 2.2×10-3 0.723 5
    5 30 151 8 0.072 6 7.5×10-3 0.673 5
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    表  9  常规单元和EEP单元结果对比(Tl=1×10-10)

    Table  9.   Comparison of results between conventional elements and EEP elements(Tl=1×10-10)

    element type convergence order Ne Ndof Nadp emaxh(emax*)
    quartic conventional element[10] h5 121 485 11 0.948 2
    cubic EEP element h5 200 601 13 0.959 3
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    表  10  常规单元自适应求解策略结果(Tl=1×10-3)

    Table  10.   Results of the conventional element adaptive strategy (Tl=1×10-3)

    m Ne Ndof Nadp hmax hmin emaxh
    3 10 31 9 0.650 0 7.9×10-5 0.740 0
    4 9 37 8 0.650 0 2.3×10-4 0.706 8
    5 8 41 7 0.650 0 6.4×10-4 0.894 2
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    表  11  EEP单元自适应求解策略结果(Tl=1×10-3)

    Table  11.   Results of the EEP element adaptive strategy (Tl=1×10-3)

    m Ne Ndof Nadp hmax hmin emaxh
    3 3 10 2 0.660 0 0.129 2 0.456 3
    4 3 13 2 0.630 0 0.144 3 0.252 8
    5 2 11 1 0.620 0 0.380 0 0.649 1
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    表  12  常规单元和EEP单元结果对比(Tl=1×10-4)

    Table  12.   Comparison of results between conventional elements and EEP elements(Tl=1×10-4)

    element type convergence order Ne Ndof Nadp emaxh(emax*)
    quartic conventional element[11] h5 13 53 12 0.866 5
    cubic EEP element h5 5 16 4 0.459 2
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  • 收稿日期:  2024-02-18
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