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邓茂 严波 高英博 杨寒旭 吕中宾 张博 刘光辉

邓茂, 严波, 高英博, 杨寒旭, 吕中宾, 张博, 刘光辉. 基于子结构模型降阶和数据驱动的杆塔结构损伤识别方法[J]. 应用数学和力学, 2024, 45(7): 850-863. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.450052
引用本文: 邓茂, 严波, 高英博, 杨寒旭, 吕中宾, 张博, 刘光辉. 基于子结构模型降阶和数据驱动的杆塔结构损伤识别方法[J]. 应用数学和力学, 2024, 45(7): 850-863. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.450052
DENG Mao, YAN Bo, GAO Yingbo, YANG Hanxu, LÜ Zhongbin, ZHANG Bo, LIU Guanghui. A Damage Identification Method for Transmission Towers Based on Substructure Model Reduction and Data Driving[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2024, 45(7): 850-863. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.450052
Citation: DENG Mao, YAN Bo, GAO Yingbo, YANG Hanxu, LÜ Zhongbin, ZHANG Bo, LIU Guanghui. A Damage Identification Method for Transmission Towers Based on Substructure Model Reduction and Data Driving[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2024, 45(7): 850-863. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.450052


doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.450052

国家电网公司总部科技项目 5500-202324543A-3-2-ZN


    邓茂(1999—),男,硕士生(E-mail: 1621534559@qq.com)


    严波(1965—),男,教授,博士,博士生导师(通讯作者. E-mail: boyan@cqu.edu.cn)

  • 中图分类号: O34

A Damage Identification Method for Transmission Towers Based on Substructure Model Reduction and Data Driving

(Contributed by YAN Bo, M.AMM Editorial Board)
  • 摘要: 针对受静载作用的输电杆塔大型复杂结构,提出了一种基于子结构模型降阶和数据驱动的损伤回归识别方法. 根据杆塔框架结构特征及其在自重和覆冰静载作用下的变形特征划分子结构,确定结构可能出现的损伤状态,定义损伤指标. 采用子结构模型降阶方法对含损伤结构的有限元模型进行降阶,形成降阶模型库. 进一步,根据杆塔受载特征确定标定载荷,根据变形及破坏模式设计应变传感器布置方案,采用有限元方法计算降阶模型库中所有模型在标定载荷作用下的变形,构建数据集. 以传感器测点的应变数据作为输入,损伤指标作为输出,利用BP神经网络算法建立损伤回归识别模型,实现杆塔损伤位置识别和损伤指标预测,为杆塔结构健康状态实时监测技术开发奠定了基础.
    1)  (我刊编委严波来稿)
  • 图  1  数据驱动结构损伤识别流程图

    Figure  1.  The flow chart of data-driven structural damage identification

    图  2  BP神经网络算法示意图

    Figure  2.  The BP neural network algorithm diagram

    图  3  典型特高压直流塔线体系有限元模型

    Figure  3.  The finite element model for the typical UHV DC tower-line system

    图  4  典型覆冰载荷下杆塔的Mises应力分布和典型实际杆塔倒塌事故

    Figure  4.  The Mises stress distribution of the tower under typical ice load and the collapse mode of a real tower

    图  5  损伤位置确定及应变传感器布置方案

    Figure  5.  Damage locations and the layout of strain sensors

    图  6  杆塔子结构划分及外部结点选择

    Figure  6.  Substructure division of the tower and selection of external nodes

    图  7  自重作用下杆塔原型和降阶模型的变形和应力

    Figure  7.  Deformations and stresses of prototype and the reduced order model for the tower under self-weight

    图  8  BP神经网络训练过程

    Figure  8.  The BP neural network training process

    图  9  测试集样本中不同损伤位置的损伤指标预测结果

    Figure  9.  Prediction results of damage indexes at different damage locations of the test dataset

    图  10  附加模型库样本中不同损伤位置的损伤指标预测结果

    Figure  10.  Prediction results of damage indexes at different damage locations of additional reduced-oreder models

    表  1  导线和地线物理参数

    Table  1.   Physical parameters of conductors and ground wires

    model Young’s modulus E/MPa cross-sectional area A/mm2 mass m/(kg·m-1) diameter d/mm
    conductor(JL/G1A-400/35) 65 400 973 3.071 2 40.6
    ground wire(JLB20A-240) 147 200 238.76 1.595 5 20.01
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    表  2  线路结构参数和覆冰厚度取值

    Table  2.   Structural parameters of the transmission line and the ice thickness

    span L/m elevation ΔH/m ice thickness h/mm
    300, 400, 500 0, 25, 50 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60
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    表  3  原模型和降阶模型所有结点位移与单元应力相对误差

    Table  3.   Relative errors of node displacements and element stresses in the prototype and reduced-order models

    error type relative error δ/%
    X-shift Y-shift Z-shift axial normal stress
    average error 0.478 0.516 0.462 1.025
    maximum error 0.643 0.692 0.591 2.649
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    表  4  作用于杆塔上导地线挂点的标定载荷取值范围

    Table  4.   Calibration loads on hanging points of conductors and ground wires with the tower

    hanging point calibration loads F/N
    X-direction Y-direction Z-direction
    1,2 0 [-273 946, -107 164] [-346 193, -134 598]
    3,4 [67 299, 173 096] [-273 946, -107 164] [116 565, 299 812]
    5,6 0 [-115 348, -58 162] [-145 770, -73 051]
    7,8 [36 526, 72 885] [-115 348, -58 162] [63 264, 126 240]
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    表  5  典型损伤状态下回归和分类识别方法对比

    Table  5.   Comparison of regression and classification recognition methods

    damage combination realistic damage index δr/% regression prediction of damage indicator δrp/% classification prediction of damage indicator δcp/%
    C1 15 0 0 0 15.3 0.17 0.06 0.09 15 0 0 0
    C2 0 17 0 0 0.05 16.9 0.08 0.03 0 15 0 0
    C3 10 0 20 0 10.6 0 19.7 0.21 10 0 20 0
    C4 0 6 13 0 0 6.32 13.2 0.16 0 10 10 0
    C5 0 18 0 23 0.18 18.8 0.05 22.6 0 15 0 25
    C6 5 0 5 0 5.26 0.15 4.49 0.04 0 0 0 0
    C7 6 21 0 0 6.24 21.2 0.12 0.08 10 20 0 0
    C8 27 0 0 11 25.3 0.26 0 10.91 20 0 0 15
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