Study on Mechanical Modulation of Output Characteristics in Piezoelectric Semiconductor Photovoltaic Cells
摘要: 压电PN结光电池的性能与其内部的势垒构型和载流子分布密切相关,因此其输出性能可以通过压电性诱导的压电势改变载流子的输运特性来调控. 然而,经典PN结模型因引入了耗尽层等假设而无法描述势垒区内多物理场与载流子的耦合作用,导致其预测结果严重失真. 因此,针对光电池的核心基本单元PN结,建立了力-电-光与载流子全域耦合作用的多场耦合模型,研究了外加机械载荷对ZnO光电池输出特性的调控机理. 结果表明:光照强度固定时,光电池的短路电流、开路电压和最大输出功率均随着压应力的增大而逐渐增加;相反,拉应力不利于光电池性能的提升. 此外,研究还发现,加载区范围大于光照区或n/p区单侧同时受到光照和压应力作用时的调控效果更佳.Abstract: The performances of piezoelectric PN junction photovoltaic cells are closely related to the internal potential barrier configurations and the distributions of carriers, and can be tuned through carrier transport characteristic changes by the piezopotentials under the piezo-effect. However, the classical PN junction model fails to describe the coupling effect between multiple physical fields and carriers in the potential barrier zone due to the depletion layer assumptions and others, and in turn gives severely distorted results. Herein a mechanics-electricity-photonics-carrier global multi-field coupling model was developed to investigate the tuning mechanism for mechanical loadings on the output characteristics of ZnO photovoltaic cells. The numerical results indicate that, the short-circuit current, the open-circuit voltage, and the maximum output power of the photovoltaic cell increase with the compressive stress under a fixed light intensity, while tensile stresses are not conducive to improving the performances of photovoltaic cells. In addition, a better tuning effect occurs with a loading region wider than the illuminated region, or with both these two external fields acting in the same side of the n/p-zone.
Key words:
- ZnO PN junction /
- piezoelectric effect /
- photovoltaic cell /
- numerical analysis
表 1 不同加载区与光照区组合作用下光电池的输出功率变化
Table 1. Normalized output power changes of the photovoltaic cell under different loadings and illuminations in different regions
x ΔPmax/% x ΔPmax/% loaded point position illuminated sub-region loaded point position illuminated sub-region 0, 1 [0, 1] 6.5 -0.5, 0.5 [-0.5, 0.5] 5.0 -1, 1 [0, 1] 4.7 -1, 1 [-0.5, 0.5] 2.2 -1, 0 [0, 1] - -0.5, 0.5 [-1, 1] - 0, 1 [-1, 1] - -1, 1 [-2, 2] - -
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