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董言哲 路晓艳

董言哲, 路晓艳. 低驱动场钙钛矿铁电超薄薄膜设计及其多态隧穿特性[J]. 应用数学和力学, 2024, 45(10): 1320-1331. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.450224
引用本文: 董言哲, 路晓艳. 低驱动场钙钛矿铁电超薄薄膜设计及其多态隧穿特性[J]. 应用数学和力学, 2024, 45(10): 1320-1331. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.450224
DONG Yanzhe, LU Xiaoyan. Design and Multi-State Tunneling Characteristics of Perovskite Ferroelectric Ultrathin Films With Low-Driving Fields[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2024, 45(10): 1320-1331. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.450224
Citation: DONG Yanzhe, LU Xiaoyan. Design and Multi-State Tunneling Characteristics of Perovskite Ferroelectric Ultrathin Films With Low-Driving Fields[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2024, 45(10): 1320-1331. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.450224


doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.450224

国家自然科学基金(面上项目) 12372148

国家重点研发计划 2021YFF0501001


    路晓艳(1981—),女,教授,博士,博士生导师(E-mail: Luxy@hit.edu.cn)


    董言哲(1997—),男,硕士(通讯作者. E-mail: dyz121025@163.com)

  • 中图分类号: O369

Design and Multi-State Tunneling Characteristics of Perovskite Ferroelectric Ultrathin Films With Low-Driving Fields

  • 摘要: 铁电隧穿结通常为金属-超薄铁电薄膜-金属三明治结构,利用铁电极化状态调控量子隧穿效应获得不同电阻态,实现数据存储功能. 其因读写速度快、功耗低、存储密度高及非易失性存储等特点,成为了新一代信息存储技术重要发展方向. 然而,这种超薄铁电薄膜因极化翻转电场大、速度高,往往存在局部温度升高、稳定性降低等问题,因此,进一步降低铁电薄膜驱动电场对铁电隧穿器件设计至关重要. 研究表明,铁电薄膜可通过调控衬底应变使其处于多畴共存状态,各畴之间翻转驱动电场随着能量势垒的降低而大幅降低. 该文基于WKB近似的电子隧穿理论并结合Landau唯象理论,研究了衬底应变对铁电驱动电场、量子隧穿特性及隧穿电阻开关比的影响. 计算结果表明:通过衬底应变调控,经典钙钛矿铁电薄膜PbTiO3和BaTiO3同时存在面外向上、向下极化以及面内极化3种电阻状态,有效驱动电场可降低至25 MV/m,比单畴铁电隧穿结驱动电场减少了76%. 研究结果为低能耗、多阻态铁电存储器件设计提供了理论基础.
  • 图  1  多畴共存的铁电隧穿模型示意图


    Figure  1.  Schematic diagram of the ferroelectric tunneling junction with coexisting domains

    图  2  3种畴结构示意图

    Figure  2.  Schematic diagram of 3 kinds of domains

    图  3  衬底对畴结构和自发极化的影响(PbTiO3)

    Figure  3.  Substrate strain-dependent spontaneous polarization of different domains in the PbTiO3 thin film

    图  4  衬底对多畴自由能、体积分数的影响(PbTiO3)

    Figure  4.  Substrate strain-dependent total free energy and the fractions of different domains in the PbTiO3 thin film

    图  5  衬底对不同畴结构自发极化的影响(BaTiO3)

    Figure  5.  Substrate strain-dependent spontaneous polarization of different domains in the BaTiO3 thin film

    图  6  衬底对多畴自由能、体积分数的影响(BaTiO3)

    Figure  6.  Substrate strain-dependent total free energy and the fraction of different domains in the BaTiO3 thin film

    图  7  面外压电系数随衬底的变化(PbTiO3)

    Figure  7.  Substrate strain-dependent out-of-plane piezoelectric coefficient in the PbTiO3 thin film

    图  8  面外压电系数随衬底的变化(BaTiO3)

    Figure  8.  Substrate strain-dependent out-of-plane piezoelectric coefficient in the BaTiO3 thin film

    图  9  多畴铁电隧穿结的3种电阻状态示意图

    Figure  9.  The schematic of 3 resistance states of the ferroelectric tunnel junction with coexisting domains

    图  10  应变为-1.5%时PbTiO3薄膜的I-V曲线

    Figure  10.  Current-voltage curves of the PbTiO3 thin film under a substrate strain of -1.5%

    图  11  应变为+0.5%时PbTiO3薄膜的I-V曲线

    Figure  11.  Current-voltage curves of the PbTiO3 thin film under a substrate strain of +0.5%

    图  12  应变为+1.8%时PbTiO3薄膜的I-V曲线

    Figure  12.  Current-voltage curves of the PbTiO3 thin film under a substrate strain of +1.8%

    图  13  应变为-0.3%时BaTiO3薄膜的I-V曲线

    Figure  13.  Current-voltage curves of the BaTiO3 thin film under a substrate strain of -0.3%

    图  14  应变为+0.3%时BaTiO3薄膜的I-V曲线

    Figure  14.  Current-voltage curves of the BaTiO3 thin film under a substrate strain of +0.3%

    图  15  衬底应变对最大电阻开关比的影响(PbTiO3)

    Figure  15.  Substrate strain-dependent RTER in the PbTiO3 thin films

    图  16  衬底应变对最大电阻开关比的影响(BaTiO3)

    Figure  16.  Substrate strain-dependent RTER in the BaTiO3 thin films

    表  1  铁电薄膜的Landau系数、电致伸缩系数和刚度系数

    Table  1.   The Landau coefficient, the stiffness coefficient, and the electromechanical coefficient of ferroelectric thin films

    PbTiO3 BaTiO3
    a1/(C-2·m2·N) 3.8×(T-752)×105 3.8×(T-383)×105
    a11/(C-4·m6·N) -7.3×107 3.6×(T-448)×106
    a12/(C-4·m6·N) 7.5×108 4.9×108
    a111/(C-6·m10·N) 2.6×108 6.6×109
    a112/(C-6·m10·N) 6.1×109 2.9×109
    Q11/(C-2·m4) 0.089 0.11
    Q12/(C-2·m4) -0.026 -0.043
    s11/(m2·N-1) 8.0×10-12 8.3×10-12
    s12/(m2·N-1) -2.5×10-12 -2.7×10-12
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    表  2  铁电隧穿结的读写电压设计(PbTiO3薄膜)

    Table  2.   The design of reading and writing voltages of the ferroelectric tunnel junction (PbTiO3)

    misfit strain um/% coercive field Ec/(MV/m) writing voltage Vw/V reading voltage Vr/V
    -1.5 120 0.25 -0.05~0.05
    +0.5 28.5 0.06 -0.05~0.05
    +1.8 200 0.4 -0.05~0.05
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    表  3  铁电隧穿结的计算参数

    Table  3.   Coefficients of the ferroelectric tunnel junction

    component of FTJ relative coefficient
    ferroelectric layer εb/(8.854×10-12) 90
    φ1/eV 0.5
    κ3/eV -4.5
    μ33 10
    ν 0.3
    electrode (SrRuO3) ls1/m 6×10-11
    εe1/(8.854×10-12) 8.45
    m0/kg 9.109 4×10-31
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